wild cat
- An undomesticated felid, as tigers or lions.
- A feral cat.
- (uncommon) (alternative spelling of) wildcat, (UK) the Old World wildcats (Felis silvestris) or (US) the bobcat (Lynx rufus) and other New World lynxes.
- (uncommon) (alternative spelling of) wildcat in its other extended senses.
Inherited from Middle English wyld cat affix from English wild + English cat (former derogatory term for a person).
former derogatory term for a person
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- KatyCat English
- anticat English
- bearcat English
- bobcat English
- bushcat English
- cat English
- cat burglar English
- cat train English
- cat-o'-nine-tails English
- cat-witted English
- cataholic English
- catbird English
- catblogging English
- catboy English
- catbutt English
- catcall English
- catcatcher English
- catclaw English
- catdom English
- caterwaul English
- catess English
- catface English
- catfall English
- catfight English
- catfish English
- catfit English
- catfucker English
- catgirl English
- cathair English
- cathead English
- cathole English
- cathood English
- cathouse English
- catkin English
- catkind English
- catlap English
- catless English
- catlet English
- catlicker English
- catlike English
- catling English
- catloaf English
- catlore English
- catlover English
- catly English
- catmeat English
- catmill English
- catmint English
- catnap English
- catness English
- catnip English
- catophile English
- catperson English
- catproof English
- catscratch English
- catshank English
- catshark English
- catshit English
- catsicle English
- catsitter English
- catskin English
- catslaughter English
- catslide English
- catspeak English
- catstail English
- catstep English
- catstick English
- catstitch English
- catsuit English
- catswort English
- cattail English
- cattery English
- cattish English
- catty English
- catwalk English
- catwise English
- catwoman English
- catworm English
- catwort English
- copycat English
- flat-headed cat English
- gib-cat English
- grandcat English
- he-cat English
- hellcat English
- hepcat English
- herd cats English
- housecat English
- jungle cat English
- kitling English
- kitten English
- kitty-cat English
- kleptocat English
- lolcat English
- mudcat English
- multicat English
- noncat English
- nonwild English
- rewild English
- robocat English
- rusty-spotted cat English
- sabercat English
- sabrecat English
- saltcat English
- scaredy cat English
- scaredy-cat English
- semiwild English
- she-cat English
- tipcat English
- unwild English
- watchcat English
- werecat English
- wild English
- wild man English
- wildberry English
- wildcard English
- wildcat English
- wildcraft English
- wilden English
- wildfire English
- wildflower English
- wildfowl English
- wilding English
- wildish English
- wildland English
- wildlife English
- wildling English
- wildly English
- wildmeat English
- wildness English
- wildposting English
- wildsome English
- wildstyle English
- wildwood English
- chat French
- кот Russian
- キャット Japanese
- cat Middle English
- wild Middle English
- wyld cat Middle English
- welman Tok Pisin
- welpik Tok Pisin
- catto Interlingua
- cat
- wild
- catty
- catly
- wilden
- catboy
- he-cat
- lolcat
- catnap
- catlet
- wildly
- catlap
- unwild
- noncat
- hepcat
- tipcat
- catfit
- catess
- rewild
- catdom
- bobcat
- catkin
- catnip
- kitten
- mudcat
- catling
- cattery
- cathole
- wildcat
- kitling
- catlore
- cathair
- KatyCat
- wildish
- catwort
- catwise
- catfall
- catkind
- cattish
- werecat
- catskin
- anticat
- gib-cat
- cathead
- catbutt
- hellcat
- copycat
- bearcat
- catmeat
- catness
- she-cat
- catless
- catworm
- wilding
- catmill
- robocat
- catwalk
- cattail
- catlike
- catshit
- catface
- catstep
- catloaf
- catgirl
- saltcat
- catclaw
- bushcat
- catbird
- catsuit
- catfish
- cathood
- catmint
- nonwild
- catcall
- multicat
- catslide
- catswort
- catshank
- semiwild
- sabrecat
- wildness
- catsicle
- catfight
- sabercat
- wildfowl
- housecat
- grandcat
- wildsome
- cathouse
- catproof
- watchcat
- catlover
- wildwood
- wild man
- wildlife
- catstick
- wildcard
- catstail
- wildland
- catspeak
- wildling
- catwoman
- catshark
- wildmeat
- wildfire
- catfucker
- wildcraft
- catsitter
- caterwaul
- cataholic
- kleptocat
- cat train
- kitty-cat
- wildberry
- catstitch
- wildstyle
- herd cats
- catlicker
- catperson
- catophile
- catcatcher
- wildflower
- catscratch
- jungle cat
- cat-witted
- catblogging
- wildposting
- scaredy cat
- scaredy-cat
- cat burglar
- catslaughter
- flat-headed cat
- cat-o'-nine-tails
- rusty-spotted cat